Thursday, February 26, 2009


As we argue and discuss the current economic crisis I ask you to examine the chart at left. You will notice that tax freedom day fell later in the year under Bill Clinton. Our income and spending was much closer to being in check. I know we do not like to pay taxes but if our government (at all levels) is going to continue to feed our addiction to more and more services something must give. A real scary statistic that more people need to check out is that in 2006 forty-one percent of Americans paid NO income tax. Is it time for us to consider a flat tax that everyone earning over $25,000 must pay? Even those under $25,000 might pay a flat 2% so they are at least contributing.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

To Change the Mind of God

Confessions, no, I will never be another Augustine. But I would like to change the mind of God. Our church found out this week that our directing pastor will be moving this July to Ohio. Ten years at our church and nearly six years as the pastor of Vicki and I. Six years of teaching that exceeded the previous twenty combined. I have learned the value of relationships. I have learned the church must acknowledge that dependencies exist and must be addressed. We are a broken people needing a healing savior.

On a separate note it has been interesting to listen to the regular bombardment of the media regarding Darwin's birth. This morning I even heard an "expert" wondering why Americans can't get over the fact that Europeans have accepted since the scientific revolution, there isn't a God at the top of everything. That statement answers why many of us still doubt American scientists, they don't know history. Most scientific revolution scientists did their research to prove the existence of God. It has only been since Darwin that science and religion have totally parted ways and history demonstrates that has been a good decision???? Both sides need to accept the other in a pursuit of truth, no matter where the truth takes them. God has given minds to think and recognize that humans need something outside themselves in order to control their behavior. Science wants to remove that "control" believing we will make the right decisions without belief in God. I do not doubt that change is taking place. I doubt that something came from nothing. I doubt that something came from nothing for no reason. I doubt that science has all the answers. I doubt that me, a single believer in Christ, has all the answers. I constantly seek Truth, wherever it might lead. Is that too much for science? Knowledge without controls leads to chaos.....single mother without the means to support children having fourteen to support. Science has proven they need to be accountable, no accountability can lead us to disaster. If there is not a God to whom we attempt to be accountable then to whom will we look for accountability? I guess scientists want to look to other non-accountable people from whom they will gain accountability.