Sunday, February 21, 2010

Newark Restaurant

Forgot to mention, should you ever travel to Newark, N.J. you must eat at Mix 27. Small in size but the food is outstanding. You will not be disappointed.

Monday, February 15, 2010


Just spent four days in Newark, New Jersey being immersed in American Art. The Winslow Homer to the left is just one example of the various works we examined. What an opportunity to soak up the beauty, the symbolism, and the history that is part of us. If you ever have time to spend in Newark, please don't miss their museum. It is small but the collection is quite a mixture and you will not be disappointed.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Quote: This is classic!

It is easier to get into something than to get out of it.

- Donald Rumsfeld

And we had this man as Sec. of Defense?????


I have been watching a DVD series in Sunday School. Charles Colson and Rick Warren discuss the topic of worldview and how important a Christian worldview is to the health of our faith and our nation. I'm not going to write about the details because so many people in our nation put up barriers as soon as they hear the names of Colson and Warren. Much like the uproar over the "anti-abortion" ad by Focus on the Family during the Superbowl. What drivel! The "Women's Media Center president, Jehmu Greene, said the tackle showed an undercurrent of violence against women." Wow, we can beat the crap out of 90 year old Betty White and Abe Vigoda, we can make women sex objects (go daddy) without a peep, but dare run a positive message about life and the "other" worldview is all over it. Where was the outcry about abusing the elderly or using sex to sell a product? I truly think what disturbs me most is that many Christians were probably agreeing with the relativist worldview before the Superbowl and secretly were suspicious of the Focus on the Family ad. Anyway, four questions to think about:
1. Where did I come from?
2. Why is the world in such a mess?
3. Is there a solution?
4. What is my purpose?
Think very carefully, what is the connection of question 1 to question 2 and so on? Do you ever wonder why the Darwinian evolutionist supports protecting the spotted owl when Darwin's survival of the fittest dictates the spotted owl should go? They have not thought about their worldview. Do you ever wonder why many evangelical Christians want such harsh punishment systems knowing they have never deterred a crime? They have not thought about their worldview. When your grandparents talk about the "good old days" when people in small towns all held similar values it doesn't mean that all those people were "born again" Christians but, for the most part, they all carried the same moral training and like it or not, that training came from the local church. And what is even stranger, it wasn't one of those mega-churches, seeker churches, independent churches, make up your own name church, or come as you are churches. It was probably some form of Baptist, Lutheran, Catholic, Presbyterian or, horror of horrors, Methodist (I am one of those.). They taught all who came similar moral anchors that held our society together. You didn't have to publicly testify that on day, month, year, I accepted Jesus Christ. It was thought we are all sinners on a journey to know the Truth that will set us free. I must confess that I believed you had to know the exact the moment you accepted Christ or it didn't count for squat. Wrong! People I now call friends, make me ashamed of my maturity in Christ, they simply grew up in the faith and cannot remember an exact moment they said, "I believe." We lost that Christian worldview, we let the relativists bombard us with inconsistent thought, and make us doubt. Carefully trace your answers, are they consistent, what is the logical extreme of your answer, what is the worst case direction your answer can lead? Have fun! Better have something for a headache. Thinking is tough!