Wednesday, June 30, 2010


We had our Men's Gathering at FUMC Peoria on Monday night. Our study time was difficult, it dealt with being a dad. We read Hebrews 12:1-12 and Ephesians 6:1-4. Aaron then directed us to a hand-out where he had summarized four "landmarks" from Ephesians. These came from the book, Point Man, by Steve Farrar. I had read this book during our Basic Training class and it is a powerful read for all fathers. But, the four main points Aaron wanted all men to think about as they raise children:
Fathers should raise their children.....
1. with Fairness. Habitual unfairness over the years results in an accumulation of anger that eventually embitters children toward their father.
2. with Tenderness. There are many facets of tenderness, including sympathy, compassion, responsiveness, warmth, and kindness.
3. with Firmness. To refuse to discipline a child is to refuse a clear demand of God, for a child who doesn't learn to obey both parents will find it much harder to learn to obey God. READ THIS ONE AGAIN!
4. in Christ. When a father disciplines and instructs his children in the admonition of the Lord, he is under the quality control of the Holy Spirit.

Young fathers don't realize they will spend many hours contemplating these very issues when their children are grown and gone. I encourage fathers to address the issues at every age, every day and then they won't have to wonder how did I do. I am not going to reveal the discussion our table of men had regarding the rating they gave their own father on each issue. It gave each of us pause to think.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed. Albert Einstein

Power of Decision: Leaving the Boat

Our church is having worship services in the tradition of other Protestant denominations. We have had an Orthodox style and today it was worship in the Baptist tradition. Our directing pastor's wife is also ordained and comes from the Baptist tradition so she had the message. Her scripture basis was from Mark 1:16-20 and Matthew 14: 22-33 and the focus of her message was two-fold, the calling of the disciples and Peter walking on water. Things from the message that really struck me were how the fishermen, when called, dropped their nets and followed. They gave up their identity as fishermen and the security of their work for the unknown. What is it that I hesitate to give up that hinders my totally following Jesus Christ? Why do I think that God needs to hear my opinion? Why do I think that all the things I do are more important than the call to "follow Me?" The truth is, the disciples are a miracle in that they followed. Jesus didn't have try-outs. He called, they followed. The "training" was on the job and usually they didn't get it. Bottom line, the Holy Spirit was very capable of empowering these men as will happen later at Pentecost. I need to decide if I am willing to follow Christ and discern what that means. Christy made a comment in her message that when Peter began to sink he discovered we are not created to go it alone. We each need Christ every minute of every day. Jesus calls us to get out of the boat so we can live more abundantly. As we leave the boat, His hand will reach out and lift us above the storm.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Copper Harbor, Michigan First Night

Isle Royale photos

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Home Again

Arrived home from our journey north last night. We had a wonderful trip to Isle Royale National Park. Great boat trip out to the island, fair trip back. It was so nice to be away from cars, phones, e-mail and television. Vicki found a four night package deal that included meals, transportation, one local boat trip and a canoe rental. The meals were outstanding, not many choices but the food was fine. We had the pleasure of helping train four young ladies from China. They are working here for the summer as they study the tour guide program in their homeland. I can't imagine going to China and taking orders in a restaurant for a summer. One young lady said it was her second summer and she really enjoyed the work. Another benefit, you save money because there isn't much to spend it on. The weather is interesting, foggy, overcast, drizzle, Portland type. We had one really sunny day and it was warm but otherwise.....fall like temps. Flowers are beautiful and the loons are fun to watch. Take books and relax or spend the day hiking. Trails are rough, lots of rocks and roots to dodge so it is hard to navigate. I really can't imagine lugging the 50 pound backpack over some of the trails we hiked.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bike Trip II

Completed my second bike trip to Winona, Minnesota last Sunday afternoon. Four teachers, two young (under 40 and under 30) and two not so young (over 55). We left Kewanee, IL on Wednesday (June 2) and 360 miles of wind, rain, rollers, and hills later we arrived at our destination. It was wonderful! Tom and I were making our second trip and Kirk and John their first trip. John was unsure if he would finish but with food like that shown in the photo he easily answered the challenge. This trip was very different for me, I actually was able to use my mountain gear so I could climb EVERY incline we encountered. I didn't even get nervous when the pack of little dogs (10) tried to rush me toward the top of one particularly intense climb. Tom was able to Twitter our trip and that was fun for my wife. Longest climb went over 2 miles which may not seem like much to some of you but it will sure take it out of an older guy. It is also the angle of the climb that makes it difficult! Great food, great conversation, life-long memories, this is one of those experiences that bond people together at many different levels. :-)