Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Afternoon Hike on Trail Ridge Road, RMNP

Just back from a late afternoon hike on Trail Ridge Road. We drove to where the road is closed, put on wind pants, snowshoes, and took off. The corners provide great views of Sheep Meadow, Lawn Lake flood area, and off in the distance you can see Mary's Lake. By leaving late afternoon we only shared the "road" with two other people. One guy was just returning from hiking up to see the view, he was pumped and sure enough he climbed into the SUV where the son sat in the backseat with ear buds in playing a game on his phone. The young man couldn't get even get out to take a short hike that really gives you an idea of your significance in the big scheme of life. We truly are a culture where the only the thing that counts is me.

Wild Basin via Snow Shoes

Sun was shining, truly a great day to be outside. Cold and a strong wind as we headed toward Copeland Falls. Only one couple on the trail and they passed us as put on wind pants. We moved at a steady pace for two hours, found the falls...they were just beginning to melt through to the surface. Headed back and ran into several people enjoying the day in Rocky Mountain National Park. Opening picture of the mini-movie is of Long's Peak.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Wild Basin, RMNP

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Morning Drive

It was a good morning for a drive. Light snow falling but the sun would appear for just a few moments at a time. We stopped at this church and I was able to take a few shots before the light changed.The inside is wonderful, like stepping back into the Middle Ages.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Sunday drive to Havana, IL and then to Emiquon. Emiquon is a Nature Conservancy wetland restoration project. Not for Profit, they have turned an old farm back to wetland. Because the Illinois River and Spoon River were rising they added four feet of water to wetland area. Within forty-eight hours over 100,000 snow geese (top image) gathered. My telephoto is too weak to get a good shot but maybe the image included gives some perspective. I wish sound could be added. Probably a dozen others were there watching a display that only God put together.

Middle image is of the old Havana watertower. We spent some time walking the river front. This little town is doing an amazing job of building up their park along the river. Beautiful day spent with my wife.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Drove down to Emiquon Reserve on Sunday to see the Snow Geese. No, I can't take credit for the image but they released about 4' of water (yes, the rivers are rising around here) into the 9,000 acres of wetland and within 48 hours over 100,000 of these great birds had arrived. How did they know? Even though they were probably a half mile away the noise was amazing. My thanks to the Nature Conservancy for the work they are doing north of Havana, IL.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


"I am going the way of all the earth. Be strong, therefore, and show yourself a man. And keep the charge of the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, to keep His statutes, His commandments, His ordinances, and His testimonies, according to what is written in the law of Moses, that you may succeed in all that you do and wherever you turn, so that the Lord may carry out His promise which he spoke concerning me, saying, 'If your sons are careful of their way, to walk before Me in truth with all their heart and with all their soul, you shall not lack a man on the throne of Israel.' (I Kings 2: 2-4)
1. show yourself a man
2. walk in the ways of the Lord
3. keep the commandments of the Lord
4. keep His ordinances

5. keep His testimonies
6. base these items off His Word and success will follow.
I watch the events unfold in Wisconsin and around the world and pray for leaders who will focus on these six characteristics of leadership. Leaders must focus with unwavering concentration on each of these and then, move forward with ideas that demonstrate the fiscal restraint necessary but that also demonstrate compassion toward those who will suffer the consequences.

It is interesting how the Greeks failed to set up accountability in the democratic process and then the Romans followed suit as they moved to a republic. Ultimately the voter is to blame, I guess, though in this age of incumbent advantage they are difficult to defeat. Finding truth in our day and age is also nearly impossible. It is, once again, time for the term limit discussion or the idea of a lottery. The possibility that all high school graduates, free of criminal records, would be eligible to serve as a legislator for a two year term and then they are done. No consulting, no living in the vicinity of the seat of government, no contact whatsoever. Serve, vote, and leave. Whatever their salary was, that is what they get paid for the two years. A rotation system would be set up so one group leaves on even number years and the other leaves on odd.

They don't understand government? They don't know Roberts Rules of Order? Good, that has not helped us much. Failure to rule wisely results in a fine. Failure to "be a man" in times of crisis (are you paying attention Mr. President) and submitting a fiscally irresponsible budget, failing to make one hard decision all because you fear getting thrown out of office after one term. Amazing. What a total disappointment to those who voted for you, who believed you had a plan. I am unable to find one of the six characteristics in our leaders, what does that mean for our future?

Slow and steady progress toward fiscal responsibility must guide all decisions. Do I believe taxes must go up? I believe taxes on those people earning $500,000 per year and up must be raised. Minimum tax of 45%. The percentage goes up 5% per additional $500,000 to a maximum of 70%. Bill Gates would have lived just fine on 30% of his income. This is based upon gross and not net income. No shuffling of money, no funky accounting, its a return to JFK era income tax. The rich will pay and the middle class will grow again. Spare me the whining about the richest already paying most of the income tax, everyone earning above $20,000 will pay something.

The Social Security surplus could never be touched except for Social Security purposes. Federal funding would be frozen (wages included) for five years, budget increases would only be allowed based upon cpi. The increased tax revenue, by federal statute would go toward balancing the budget first and paying down debt second (they are entirely different). Those with retirement incomes of over $100,000 would not receive any Social Security increases and in Illinois, would pay state income tax. Retirement income would be based upon gross and not net. Every program added must be accompanied by an equal spending cut. Every law passed has a seven year sunset, no time to build a bureaucracy around it so that you can't get rid or it or even discuss it (think war on drugs). Leadership, the time for someone to step forward is now.