Monday, October 10, 2011


Malcolm MacCannell, age 61, passed away on September 27, 2011 and on goes the obituary. It tells the usual things about Malcolm, how he is survived by a mother, seven brothers and sisters (one is a twin sister). His father was Dr. Bruce MacCannell. The obituary even included his membership at First United Methodist Church and his traveling on mission trips (No Greater Love to New. Orleans for street ministry). The obituary did not mention that I considered him a close friend or that he taught Rich Schurter about patience, love, kindness, gentleness and meekness.

Malcolm and I went through Emmaus together and shared a room for the weekend. Wow, could he ever snore. It was during that weekend that Joe, Malcolm and I became friends. From that time on Malcolm and I shared life. He would keep me posted on how his medications were going (or not going) and how his new job at Taco Bell was treating him. I learned that a job is not what defines us, Jesus Christ does that, a job is a means to an end. That end being to share the love of Christ with a world that desperately needs that love. Malcolm had to cut down on his hours at Taco Bell because he was unable to deal with the stress and he needed to make the Mardi Gras trip with No Greater Love Ministries. Malcolm always asked me how teaching was going and he could read in my eyes the growing stress of these past few years. "Your students are lucky to have you," he frequently would state and then, as an after-thought he would add, "Don't let the stress outside your classroom mess up who you are in the classroom." We would hug and continue on our way.

Malcolm McCannell understood life in a way that I'll only dream about. He challenged me to live for Christ in ways that other, more famous or more sophisticated people could never do. He lived life, he loved people, and most importantly, he loved the Lord. I can't imagine a life without having met Malcolm. I thank God for his influence upon me and the friendship we shared. I won't get to hug Malcolm again in this life but I look forward to the day when we will again share life and share it eternally.