Saturday, December 30, 2017

Norman V. Adcox Daybook of Tremont Schools 1951 January

Related image  1/4/51:  New student in 3rd grade:  Jerald Birkey
Boy Scout meeting: Candy ordered by Ben Getz delivered to Hi Shepardson before Christmas. We do not want to undertake selling at this time, Washington scouts had considerable trouble in selling.

1/5/51: District meeting and supper at Baptist church. Basketball, Green Valley 37 vs Tremont 66

1/6/51: Tazewell County Service meeting all day at gym, about 700 attended.

1/9/17: Basketball  Tremont 41 vs Mackinaw 40

1/19/51: New Teacher in High School, Mrs. Dorothy Alford to join husband in Army camp. Miss Maryln Plese hired to fill term.

1/20/51: Milo Ropp father of Leo and Roger in High School passed away suddenly, service is Monday the 22nd.

County Basketball Tournament held at Pekin. Tremont finished 2nd, losing to Mackinaw 33-17 in championship game. Guy Ricci, head coach and Leonard Kisellus, Athletic Director.

Team:  Ken Stuber: Senior; Jug Stuber: Junior; Bob Riggenbach: Junior; Bob Brenkman: Senior; Pete Payne: Senior; Les Helleman: Junior; Larry Koch: Junior; Glen Moser: Junior; Chris Pflederer: Junior; Shorty Wineburner: Senior.

1/29/51: 8 below zero; car would not start

1/30/51: 9 below zero: 2 loads of coal to grade school, 2 loads to high school, 1 load to gym.

Supplies order for 1951/1952

10 gallon had soap    ok
65 scrub soap (shineall)   ok
35 gallons wax  (Hilbrite)   ok
45 gallons wood primer     ok
10 gallons Grain o seal (quick dry)  ok
15 gallons Star gym floor finish   ok
12 lambskin applicators  9x6   ok
 6  sets of mops for Hiltone   18"  ok
 5 gallons fly spray  ok
 5 gallons deodorant spray  ok
 4 dozen urinal blacks  ok
 6 gallons gray cement paint
 1 gallon parlon thinner
30 cases towel paper single fold
 1 18" squeegee complete  ok
 3 cocoa mats for doors at gym  30x48  ok
 8 gallons gray cement paint for gym  ok

author comment: Vic didn't include prices for any of the order in his daybook. I assume the two items without "ok" following were not ordered. It would be interesting to compare this order with a current order. I don't know if this order included supplies for the rural schools or if this was just for the "town schools."

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Tremont High School Addition 1926

This would be the building where I attended grade school. Modern buildings do not hold a candle to these, of course, as a retired teacher I know how hard they were to supervise students. I once worked under a building principal who wanted a four block schedule simply to reduce the number of passing periods for students. That idea was quickly disposed exactly where it belonged.

Additional note: To those of you who attended here in the 60s, additional windows and an entrance had been completed.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas!

May those who check my posts regularly or those of you in Russia, Ukraine, Portugal and Spain who only seem to appear randomly, have a very blessed Christmas Day. Prayers that you would reflect upon the importance of He who came to earth this day, lived a sin free life and the sacrificed Himself upon a cross that each of us might have eternal life. We can get caught up in the troubles of this life and forget that the world has always had troubles. As believers our task is to represent Jesus to a world in need of hope and reconciliation. We can pursue all manner of temporary joys but today, let us focus upon our pursuit of the One who can provide eternal joy.

Merry Christmas to all!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Tremont High School Junior Class 1926

Note: First row and last Row are switched. My Uncle Yeat is in the first row.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Tremont High School Junior Class 1945

My future in-laws, Elwyn Stuber and Phyllis Bolliger are in this picture. Elwyn (Skip) has a grandson who looks just like him. James, what do you think?

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Norman Victor Adcox: Daybook of Tremont Schools 1950

Some highlights from November/December

11/7/1950  Fall on H.S. Steps, Esther Berry injured back on steps to basement. Not Serious.

11/7/1950  Harlem Globetroters vs. Standard Brands @ Pekin gym

11/7/1950  Repaired window pane at Menert.

Basketball Rule Changes for 1950-51

Clock shall be stopped at end of period, time out, held ball, personal or technical fouls.
Substitution only when clock is stopped.
Start clock after it is certain a free throw is missed, when touched by anyone after being thrown in from out of bounds, when ....... (couldn't read rest)

11/18/1950    Elmer Stuber hauled ashes from schools.

11/28/1950   First high school basketball game, Washington 36  vs Tremont 44

12/1/1950    Spalding 56  vs  Tremont 62  basketball

12/4/1950    Hauled 3 loads of coal from Tremont elevator

12/10/1950  Bob Riggenbach, emergency appendix operation

12/15/1950   Army draftees: Gale Bolliger & Clarence Burke, Don Anderson enlists in Navy

12/18/1950    minus 6 this morning

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Norman Victor Adcox: Daybook of Tremont Schools 1950

Highlights of September/October:

9/8/1950    checked all fire extinguishers in rural schools.

9/19/1950   Otto Getz barn destroyed by lightning. Approximately $30 missing, lost by football players. G. C. and F. N. admit taking it from gym. (I'm not publishing the full names.)

9/29/1950   Football      Homecoming Game, Washing vs. Tremont, Tremont won 7-0, dance in evening in the gym.

9/30/1950    Football, Champaign, football team to game at Urbana-Champaign

10/2/1950  PTA meeting in gym, 150 present

10/3/1950  Masonic Lodge; Henry Schurter, Harold Lee, and Edward Nafziger--Gellow Craft degree (I guess not everything will deal with school.

10/?/1950  Len Kissellus (sp) to build new home on lot east of Wilbur Fox, across from Emma Springer.

10/6/1950 Antioch stoker and window repaired.

10/9/1950   Boys tipped over Menert toilets, girls were turned on base, early Halloween pranks.

10/10/1950  Menert toilets tipped over again with considerable damage, board considering action.

10/17/1950   Menert, Berry, Maiden Lane chimney repairs made by Joe Litwiller.

10/20/1950   Football at Morton, NIGHT game, Tremont 39  Morton 13

10/21/1950   3 panes of glass broken by pranksters at Menert

10/23/1950   New students in 2nd grade, brought in 6 seats from Bolliger School--closed

10/26/1950   Masonic Lodge, Henry Schurter, Edward Nafziger, Harold Lee take 3rd degree

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Lyman Runyon World War II era registration papers

Lyman Runyon married Eileen Bolliger which is my wife's aunt. I am posting Lyman's paperwork from WW II. Interesting to note the changes in his classification over time.




 trace the dates and classification

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Tremont School History: 1963-64 I believe

I believe this is our 4th grade class. Again, no names listed but if you are wondering where Jim Boyle notes say he was absent.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Tremont School Picture??

I actually have no idea when or where this picture was taken. My uncle, Carlyle Adcox, is the last person on the right in row 1. This was the only person identified on the back of the picture so if anyone recognizes people in this picture please comment.