Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Tremont School History: Year Unknown

My apologies for the quality of this scan. I'm not sure of the date (1950s?). Article points out that problems in schools aren't unique to any time period.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Norman V. Adcox Daybook of Tremont Schools April 1951

April 1, 1951: Snow with mild temperature.

April 2, 1951: Write to Paris, IL to get Mother, mine, and Mertie's birth certificates.

Simon Birkey absent, Wilkey subs

April 3, 1951: Fire Drill, grades and high, cleared building in 1min. 40 seconds.

April 4, 1951: Talked to HE Stone about many strays (dogs), will get in contact with Mayor.

April 5, 1951: Relocate sign at Sauders feed store

April 7, 1951: PTA square dance, good attendance, take in over $100

April 9, 1951: Wheelbarrow, rubber tire, $25, board ok for purchase

April 11, 1951: GENERAL DOUGLAS MACARTHUR RELIEVED OF ALL COMMAND, GENERAL RIDGEWAY TO TAKE OVER  (Uncle Vic wrote this in red in capital letters.)

Rain all day.

April 12, 1951: mild but snowed about 1"

Menert School dismissed due to water in basement. Resume on April 16.

April 13, 1951: Vernon Peplow, water in basement, family moves to Ivy Grabers. water knocks out the stoker

April 14, 1951: School election- board members, Lewis Brenkman, Mike Beyer, Art Hillman

Received acknowledgement of pension application. Also required information on birth certificates arrived.

April 16, 1951: light snow, temp. 39

Absent: Pat Bong, stork coming in fall.

Bought Ruth a watch for her graduation, $33.75

April 23, 1951: New student in 3rd grade, lives in Earl Paine house on Blacktop

April 25, 1951: Fireman's Circus Outdoors

New Teacher for 1951-52: Miss Wilita Severn, English and Latin, High School

April 27, 1951: Senior class play, heavy rain and lights go out at end of first act, continue play with spotlights of cars.

April 28, 1951: Vote on new school, 742 voted and it was voted down by 74

April 30, 1951: Coal: 2 loads to grade school, 2 loads to high school and 2 loads for gym. All bins filled for fall term.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Norman V. Adcox Daybook of Tremont Schools 1951 March

March ?, 1951: Basketball Regional, Tremont 47 beat Eureka 46 in opening round, lost to San Jose 39-36 and then San Jose lost in title game to Pekin 43 to San Jose 40.

March 5, 1951: Teachers absent, Mrs. Helen Studyven for B. Lutz and Eunice Rowell for Mrs. Severe.

Refinished H.E. Stones office.

March 7, 1951: Teachers absent, Mrs. Wilky for Mrs. Alice Warne.

Teachers mtg. dismiss school at 2:45.

March 8, 1951: Teachers absent, Mrs. Helen Studyven for Emma Springer. Mrs. Wilky for Mrs. Alice Warne

Coal: 1 load Grade School, 2 loads High School, 2 loads gym

Crated lawnmower for shipping to be overhauled.

Helen Schurter taken to Mennonite hospital for observation and necessary treatment. returned home March 11

March 9, 1951: Mother of Mrs. Alice Warne, 6th grade teacher, passed away-severe heart ailment.

Woodruff defeats Pekin in Sectionals.

March 10, 1951: Firemans Ball, snowed about 4", very wet, raised $100

March 12, 1951: 1 new pupil in 3rd; 1 in 6th.

March 14, 1951: light snow, has snowed Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed

Light bulb order, 6- 100w; 6-300w; 12-100w

4th grade ceiling leaking; Ronnie Belt helps to sweep water from melting snow from roof over class, (must repair)

Gary Herman, Lou Jackson and Riley Renfro throwing snowballs break glass in Band Room door; replaced by them.

Apples for High and Grade School used up (last 15 days)

March 7-16: Mrs. Charles Y. Adcox (Ann) in hospital for pneumonia.

March 16, 1951: Cocoa mats ordered from Hillyards arrived

March 19, 1951: Elmer (Hild) takes door closers to Peoria for repairs

George Suchert, 4 pieces of copper waterpipe with fittings for shop

March 20, 1951: take seat to Cedar Bluff school for new student.

March 21, 1951: First day of Spring, temp is 13

2 broken windows at Maiden Lane school

Elmer Stuber hauls 1 load of ashes

New seats for grades 1 or 2; Stone agrees to need of extra seats for 51-52

March 23-26, 1951: Easter vacation (snow on Sunday)

March 24, 1951: Elmer drives to Chicago over weekend.

Covered ceiling and wood walls in bedroom at home; rewire light making switch on wall

March 26, 1951: replaced 3 closers on HS doors

March 27, 1951: 6 new seats arrive, bought glides for legs at J.W. Mackemer Lumber

March 28, 1951: light drizzle, H.E. Stone to Chicago

March 29, 1951: buy tube graphite for front door

March 30, 1951: snow and rain, temp 35

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Teaching Days 1993

I believe it was 1993 when I accompanied the students to Washington, D.C. A very intense trip for the students to see their government and meet people from throughout the United States. This trip was memorable because Congressman Bob Michel told the group (indirectly) he would not run for office again.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Day in the life of Tremont, IL 1993

Mom didn't quite trim this one correctly. If you are familiar with Tremont this scene is going east on Route 9, Pinky's Ice Cream shop is in the background.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Tremont History (a bit more recent than normal)

Continuing to scan photos I have accumulated over the years. I don't know the year for these pictures my mom took. This house on S. Locust Street was just 2 houses south of Tremont Medical Clinic on the west side of Locust. I don't know the history the pictures make it look much better than real life. I believe Dr. Dan Baer bought the property and when Vicki and I moved from Tremont in 2017 this was still a vacant lot. I don't know anything about the house so comments are encouraged. I am fairly sure that Wayne Litwiller was taking the house down.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Norman V. Adcox Daybook of Tremont Schools 1951 February

February 6, 1951: Pennsylvania Train wreck at Woodbridge, N.J.  80 killed, 500 injured (authors note: I have included one photo and a link if you wish more information)

February 8, 1951: John Roberts, RR 1, Pekin. Barn and hayshed destroyed by fire.

Al Herman, age 52, suffered a heart attack and died about 3:30 p.m. Service will be at the "White Church" (author added " " because I don't know which church this was, probably the "big" Apostolic Church)

County Heavyweight Tourney at Tremont. Tremont beat Delavan and Hopedale beat Pleasant Hill.

February 9, 1951  6 BELOW ZERO

February 12, 1951: Summer supplies shipped from Hillyards arrived, all but cocoa mats

February 13, 1951: two shaft bearings replaced on stoker at the grade school by Carl Schimmelphening (sp?)

Women's Club Show---Going Places  started rehearsals in High School, show to be Feb. 23-24

Received 24 bushel Winesap apples, all used up by March 1.

February 14, 1951: 12 degrees and 4" of snow

February 15, 1951: 23 degrees, ice over walks and roads are very slick

February 19, 1951:  PTA meeting at grade school, regular board meeting, play practice

February 20, 1951: temp was 40 degrees, cloudy, roads in bad condition, buses not to leave highway, parent to bring rural students to school for a few days

Faculty game at Morton; Morton won in overtime

February 17, 20, 21, 1951: Grade School Sectional Basketball, Tremont finished 4th behind Pekin, Canton, and Havana.

February 21, 1951: High School basketball, East Peoria defeats Tremont.

February 20-22, 1951: Mackinaw River floods

February 22, 1951: dress rehearsal for Going Places, show was held 23rd and 24th; $900 raised

February 22, 1951: Tremont loses to Washington in final game of regular season

February 26, 1951: 51 degrees, cloudy   Clayton Martin trades for a 48 Hudson Hornet (author: Clayton is the husband of Vic's niece, June) 

Slow School Zone sign located at Sauders feed store needs to be moved on account of driveway.

February 28, 1951: temperature 30, 4th and 5th grade to Funks Grove all day, weather rain and sleet

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

1940 Booklet

As a history teacher I seemed to acquire all kinds of books, maps, and booklets that are interesting to examine. I Am an American was compiled and published in 1940 by Frances Cavanah and Lloyd E. Smith. The original owner was E.L. Holt. I have scanned pages 4-5 and thought they might be interesting to my readers. 

Monday, January 1, 2018

Blessings to all in 2018!

January 1

Eternal God, who makest all
things new, and abidest for ever the same,
grant us to commence this 
year in Thy faith, and to continue it in
Thy favor, that, being guided in all our 
doings, and guarded all our days, we
may spend our lives in Thy service,
and finally, by Thy grace, attain the
glory of everlasting life; through Jesus
Christ our Lord.  --Amen.

Divine Service

Prayers, Ancient and Modern, by Mary Wilder Tileston, 1928.