Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday, a day of rest.

Where does our time go? How do we use our time? What does this say about us? As an American, time equals productivity which equals growth which is good?? Not everyone thinks this way. If our time is spent building lasting relationships that is good. It has been wonderful for Vicki and I to renew relationships and make new relationships during our time in Brazil. Yes, we poured over 35 yards of concrete at the training center and that is measure of productivity which is good. But we had 15 young men, many new in their relationship with the Lord who worked with us, joked, played soccer with Cory and modeled how relationships are really what life is all about. Saturday was spent driving for over an hour on a dirt road, dust so thick I'm still cleaning it out of my ears to go to a waterfall and enjoy God's creation. We walked back into caves exploring with the bats, beetles and blind crickets. AMAZING! Sunday is market day, hundreds of people and vendors crowd into a street with all kinds of interesting products. Sunday afternoon is rest, naps and then off to church plant for late afternoon service and then back to Altamira for evening church. Our boat trip begins tomorrow and that brings even more time to build relationships. What kind of productivity do I value?

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