Saturday, December 29, 2007

Random Thoughts as 2007 draws to a close

I'm reading, Why the Right is Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It by Jim Wallis. Highly recommended book and I'm only on page 50. He has me wondering why the religious right is so strong on abortion and gay marriage but doesn't breathe a word about the poor. Or for that matter about social justice. Micah writes about social justice, Matthew records the words of Jesus dealing with the poor but it seems the only issues that matter to Christians who are Republicans are the two mentioned earlier. Is it possible that neither party is right and we need to hold both political parties to a higher standard? Is it possible we need to hold ourselves to a higher standard? We like the good life, don't bother us with difficult details. Abortion and gay marriage are easy opponents, we don't like to kill the innocent, except in wars (just and unjust); Scripture talks of homosexual sin so gay marriage is easy but how to treat the poor, that may cost us in the wallet.

A Christmas family gathering left a group us talking about about current issues. One guy sits on the board of the local grain elevator and was telling us about wheat trading for $10 a bushel and they are sitting on 400,000 bushels so the manager started calling his usual clients to sell. Not one needed a single bushel of wheat . . . . how can wheat be selling for $10 a bushel if the supply is exceeding the demand? Is our whole commodities trading a farce? Is our stock market a farce? Does the constant profit taking distract us from real problems at home and abroad? Do I spend more time worrying about my meager investments than how my government treats the poor?

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