Thursday, February 21, 2008

So much for keeping up

It is impossible to keep up with the blog. I will update when possible. I am curious if anyone else has had a similar experience. On January 31 my wife and I purchased 9 tickets to Brasil (z for Americans) through Travelocity. We waded through the lengthy process of picking seats, etc only to find they would not accept our credit cards, invalid number is what the site reported. We spent another 35 minutes making a second attempt, failure again, called the help line and were told to try again. We carefully entered all information a third and fourth time getting the same response, invalid credit card number. We called back to the help line and had to book through an operator, for this service we were charged a total of $249, I made it clear that this was theft, the same credit cards that were invalid on-line magically worked when they could charge us the extra fee. Protests have been filed with my credit card companies who both felt this fell under the word theft. I do wonder if others have had this happen. Let me know.

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