Sunday, November 30, 2008


Just a little reminder that less than a month ago the weather was a little different. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Sorry, I messed with image.
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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Christ the King Sunday

The sermon today focused on Matthew 25: 31-46. If you are familiar with Keith Green this passage can never be read without converting it to that pounding piano. What did stop me in my tracks was the statement by our pastor, ". . . this is a story of judgment, not on the bad we do. . . .but on the good we did not do." I always had this nice little picture in my mind of being aware of those in need. A neat, plastic little scene and then in a very matter of fact voice that was all destroyed. What is contained in the "good I did not do?" Volumes! Life is easier if I focus on the good I do and the bad I don't do. Why, if I have to focus on the good I did not do, I will have to actually think about every decision in my life and who is impacted.

The cabin in the picture was probably built by a lot of people who came together to do good for a fellow settler. One person working alone, tending crops, animals, cutting wood for winter, hunting and gathering could never have done it alone. Others seeing a need stepped in and helped get a job completed so the individual could become a contributing member of the community in a shorter time. As your church celebrated "Christ the King Sunday" may you focus on doing good in the days ahead.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What Are You Doing Out There?

There is a wonderful scene in The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail in which Henry (Thoreau) has been thrown in jail for not paying his taxes. Waldo (Emerson) is told that Henry is in jail and rushes to Concord to help. Waldo shouts at Henry, "What are you doing in there?" Henry shouts back, "What are you doing out there?" What cause do I deem worthy of jail? Our culture strives to keep us occupied with things that distract us from real life. We don't have time to help others, we can't help ourselves so we look to our government to take care of us. Doesn't matter that they are involved in another "Mexican War" that is as unjust and unnecessary as the first one. Doesn't matter that business experts are corrupt, make poor decisions, bankrupt their companies and then ask the government to bail them out, I won't protest any of these decisions by going to jail. I may complain but I won't take a risk and refuse to be a part. Now the auto manufacturers are lining up with hands out . . . . .help. . . . .help. When and where does it stop, in the cycle of history it is probably time for GM to go out of business, they will be replaced by Kia or another company who will then be replaced in a century or so. We never learn from our past, we just study it. How could it possibly apply to the present? Henry David would tell us to not pay Caesar what he requests while Christ said to, "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's." A dilemma? An out? We can continue to live in our big houses and complain? We can demand the latest technology and pay off our conscience? No, Christ has called for the ultimate sacrifice, our lives. He wants us to let the government take its share while we focus on the hurt and pain of those around us. We are to build reasonable homes, drive reasonable cars, limit our debt to a house and spend our resources building an eternal kingdom while modeling the life of Christ. Thoreau and Christ, both would say over and over and over. . . . . simplify. . . . . .simplify. . . . . share with those who have not. . . . . .simplify. . . . . . love those who are unloved. . . . . . . simplify. . . . . . . .follow after His path. . . . . .simplify. Waldo didn't get it. Do you?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What is in our future

The picture to the left is interesting. On one hand it shows mother and son, it might show a son who is preparing for a future based on living in the wilderness, it might show a mother concerned about the future or it might just show a mother and son on a hike and they found the trail blocked by a fallen tree. The last option was the truth. What did they do? Walked around the tree and went on with their hike. Tomorrow morning we will awaken to a new day, a new president will have been elected and we will set a new course for the future. If your candidate didn't win and you are sure the future holds doom and gloom, prepare, learn to survive in the woods, keep lots of dried food around scatter ashes over your head as you wail. If your candidate did win, be loving to those who supported the other guy. Don't gloat, demonstrate love. Above all, we need to commit to holding our elected officials accountable for their actions or inaction's. Election to any office should not be a permanent post. Twelve years would be great for any representative or senator. If they can't do anything in twelve, they won't do anything in twelve or twenty more. Let's make twelve and out the new cry for all Representatives and Senators. Keep the new blood running in and out of Washington. Even if it's "your guy or gal" vote them out after twelve. We don't need term limits, we need self-control. As we wait for the announcement of the next president, as if anyone is in doubt, remember, twelve is the magic number. 6 + 6 = OUT!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Our church is continuing its series on Intentional Faith Development. Today the topic in service and Sunday School was Learning in a Supportive Community. To live in community means I must be able to give up something I may see as important so it doesn't handicap the entire Body. God gives us all the different personalities in our church so we can become the people He wants us to be. The church must be a place where people are free to be who they are and we respond to them where they are. They may not come with any knowledge of the faith, our practices, or our social status. A supportive community will say welcome, we have just the place for you to begin your journey. We must help all people feel a connection to the church community, we must feed them both spiritually and physically, and this keeps all of us connected to God. No matter what you may think, have read or practice, you cannot be a Christian in isolation, separated from the body. The second century church was known because it helped widows, orphans, and fed the poor. They even took strangers home to give them a place to sleep. The world was no safer in the second century and if you know nothing of Rome in the second century even the U.S. hasn't reached that level of depravity.
But the comment that struck me today was this, "the church has become an advocate of Christian values rather than a place that lives Christian values" (Bias). Our testimony is not one the world can see, we are negative, harsh, unloving, unforgiving but want a bunch of laws passed so everyone will have to live "biblically." If we would live Biblically the world might be drawn to Christ but usually you can't tell our lives from the surrounding culture. We must live differently, act differently, love differently and begin to accept people where they are and help them grow.