Sunday, November 23, 2008

Christ the King Sunday

The sermon today focused on Matthew 25: 31-46. If you are familiar with Keith Green this passage can never be read without converting it to that pounding piano. What did stop me in my tracks was the statement by our pastor, ". . . this is a story of judgment, not on the bad we do. . . .but on the good we did not do." I always had this nice little picture in my mind of being aware of those in need. A neat, plastic little scene and then in a very matter of fact voice that was all destroyed. What is contained in the "good I did not do?" Volumes! Life is easier if I focus on the good I do and the bad I don't do. Why, if I have to focus on the good I did not do, I will have to actually think about every decision in my life and who is impacted.

The cabin in the picture was probably built by a lot of people who came together to do good for a fellow settler. One person working alone, tending crops, animals, cutting wood for winter, hunting and gathering could never have done it alone. Others seeing a need stepped in and helped get a job completed so the individual could become a contributing member of the community in a shorter time. As your church celebrated "Christ the King Sunday" may you focus on doing good in the days ahead.

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