Saturday, April 11, 2009

Odessa Lake Trail, RMNP

Vicki and I attempted the hike to Odessa Lake during our recent trip to Rocky Mountain National Park. There had been new snow and we were the first to travel this particular trail. Our Creator has put a wonderful earth together and hiking in the mountains brings a particular peace that can only be understood through experience. We left Illinois with a sense of frustration, a home we own in Peoria is not selling, I am barely staying ahead of my students which doesn't allow me to prepare the way I feel I should which means my classes are not going the way I think they should which frustrates (do you see a pattern here?) me. Anyway, time in the mountains allows me to clear my head and focus upon what God is doing and needs to do in my life. We are tremendously blessed. In spite of all that appears to be going wrong in our world God is good each and every day.

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