Monday, August 24, 2009


We began the second week of school and I finally feel as if I'm getting into the mode. Up at 5:10 and off for school by 5:50 is the goal. That means progress on the garage and house has slowed considerably. We finished the north side tonight and now we are ready to move to the front. There is only the south end where I have to be up in the air quite so high. That isn't enjoyable at all! None of this would be done without the help of my wife who climbs to the top of the scaffolding and nails, tapes, or generally does whatever must be done. I am so fortunate to have a partner in such projects. She did say that this is it, no more large-scale remodeling projects. My goal is that ever elusive $60 per month heating bill for the winter. Much care has gone into sealing cracks, taping the insulation joints and then wrapping the house in Tyvek. God has been good, no serious injuries and no fights.
It is amazing to have a wonderful partner in this life journey AND go to school and work with a great staff. The start of our year was a little different than most but our department members responded in their typical business-like manner. I think that is what frustrates me the most about NCLB, we work hard, we use best practices in our classrooms and because our test is the ACT we will never make adequate yearly progress. We are not a middle class school and most standardized tests measure economic class. Oh well, all we can do is keep on trying.

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