Sunday, January 24, 2010

Basic Training

I have been involved in a 'Basic Training' class at church since September. Each Saturday for 2 hours a group of men gather, and discuss our homework for the week. We have books to read, Scripture to memorize, a bible study and questions to answer. We are currently in a module where we get to examine how we relate to our wives. In one chapter of Gary Smalley's book we had to answer 30 questions and then grade ourselves. I'll just give a few examples:
1. Do you make your wife feel good about herself?
2. Does your face spontaneously break into a smile when you see your wife?
3. Can you accept your wife as she is instead of having several plans to redo her?
4. Do you enjoy introducing your wife to your friends and acquaintances?
5. Do you believe you know at least five of your wife's major needs AND how to meet those needs in a skillful way?
6. Does your wife feel she's more important than anyone or anything else in your life other than God?
I'll stop but imagine answering 24 more of these thought-provoking questions. What a book, page after page that can make a marriage better because it makes me quit thinking about myself first and my wife second.

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