Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Estes Park

Great hike to Bierstadt Lake. Temperature was great, sun was out and there were very few people. Ate dinner at the Dunraven Inn. Local place with outstanding food and service. It is truly one the must visit places in Estes Park. We ran into a small herd of mountain sheep just outside the town.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Gem Lake Trail

Hike to Gem Lake (RMNP). Great weather, great day. Lots of snow at elevations where it is usually gone by now. Elk, deer and mountain sheep abound.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


During Lent our church is having a Wednesday service that is very different from the noise of most Sunday mornings in America. The service is as follows:

Bell (3 rings) calls us to worship.
  • Our pastor welcomes us, explains the service and its history.
  • First Hymn: Glory to God
Glory to God, Glory to God
Glory in the Highest
Glory to God, Glory to God
Alleluia, Alleluia

  • Psalm 139 read responsively, Pastor Phillips reads the odd numbered verses and we respond with the even number verses. (very powerful)
  • Second Hymn: It is Good to Trust
It is Good to Trust in the Lord our God,
Trust and Hope in the Lord our God.

  • SILENCE for REFLECTION (no noise!, no background music, silence!!!)
  • Third Hymn: Bless the Lord
Bless the Lord, My Soul,
And Bless God's Holy Name.
Bless the Lord, My Soul,
Who leads me into Life.

  • Gospel Reading: John 13: 1-17 (different each week)
  • Fourth Hymn: Wait For the Lord
Wait For the Lord,
Whose Day is Near.
Wait for the Lord;
Be Strong, Take Heart!

  • Silence
  • Fifth Hymn: Come and Fill
Come and fill our hearts with Your peace.
You alone, O Lord, are Holy
Come and fill our hearts with Your peace,
  • Prayer
  • The Lord's Prayer
  • Sixth Hymn: In the Lord
In the Lord I'll be ever Thankful
In the Lord I will rejoice!
Look to God, do not be afraid.
Lift up your voices,
the Lord is near;
lift up your voices,
the Lord is near.

  • Benediction
  • Passing the Peace of Christ
