Thursday, March 18, 2010


During Lent our church is having a Wednesday service that is very different from the noise of most Sunday mornings in America. The service is as follows:

Bell (3 rings) calls us to worship.
  • Our pastor welcomes us, explains the service and its history.
  • First Hymn: Glory to God
Glory to God, Glory to God
Glory in the Highest
Glory to God, Glory to God
Alleluia, Alleluia

  • Psalm 139 read responsively, Pastor Phillips reads the odd numbered verses and we respond with the even number verses. (very powerful)
  • Second Hymn: It is Good to Trust
It is Good to Trust in the Lord our God,
Trust and Hope in the Lord our God.

  • SILENCE for REFLECTION (no noise!, no background music, silence!!!)
  • Third Hymn: Bless the Lord
Bless the Lord, My Soul,
And Bless God's Holy Name.
Bless the Lord, My Soul,
Who leads me into Life.

  • Gospel Reading: John 13: 1-17 (different each week)
  • Fourth Hymn: Wait For the Lord
Wait For the Lord,
Whose Day is Near.
Wait for the Lord;
Be Strong, Take Heart!

  • Silence
  • Fifth Hymn: Come and Fill
Come and fill our hearts with Your peace.
You alone, O Lord, are Holy
Come and fill our hearts with Your peace,
  • Prayer
  • The Lord's Prayer
  • Sixth Hymn: In the Lord
In the Lord I'll be ever Thankful
In the Lord I will rejoice!
Look to God, do not be afraid.
Lift up your voices,
the Lord is near;
lift up your voices,
the Lord is near.

  • Benediction
  • Passing the Peace of Christ


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