Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bike Ride

Over 40 and sun was shining. Truly a great day to get out on the bike. Spotted another rider as I was going over I 155 and being the person I am. . . the chase is on. Doesn't matter that I have not been out riding consistently; it's someone to try and catch. I forget I'm not 50 any more and this is only my sixth day of riding this year. I don't like the rider to know I'm chasing them and this particular rider made sure they stayed three bikes ahead but it was still great motivation.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Main Street looking north

Short video of the snow. View is looking north on main-street in Tremont. We missed three days of school due to a 15" snowfall. Our power was out for just about twenty-four hours. Previous video shows Vicki and I eating a backpacking meal cooked on our camping stove. The adventures continue.

2011 Snow: Power Out

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Just started reading Focus, Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning by Mike Schmoker. Tomorrow is a department meeting and I need to apologize for wasting five months of the school year on initiatives that will not impact student success. I knew this in August but didn't have any "data" to support my thoughts. The further into the school year the more apparent it was that we had too many initiatives and no focus. I fell into line attempting to be the good employee and department leader. I knew we were heading in the wrong direction but didn't have the courage to lead in what my "gut" told me was the proper direction.

At our meeting tomorrow we will discuss a "new" direction. We can begin to discuss change that will impact students. What amazes me is that it isn't new, it is information most educators know but don't have time to practice. The hint is in the title of this post. "What" we teach and "how" we teach are the bottom line essentials. We can study data all day (and data is important) but at the end of the day, what we are teaching and how we are teaching it will make the real impact. Too many teachers are totally distracted by the latest technology initiative (that was probably implemented without a long-range plan or goal), whether to move to CCS (common core standards) now or wait, or following up on a group of students (in addition to my current classes) to make sure they are doing what they are supposed to do in their classes.

At the end of the day it boils down to what is taught and how it is taught that will engage our students and prepare them for their future. This is where the "bang for the invested buck" will be found.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Just completing my third snow day in a row. We received 13" of snow Tuesday night. I was working on-line when suddenly..................... Twenty-four hours of feeding a generator to power two space heaters, lighting a lot of candles, finding our campstove, cooking a backpacking gourmet meal (can dried food be gourmet?), calling the power company, hiking back and forth to the gas station for more fuel and assisting neighbors with plowing our driveways. Thoreau had nothing on my wife and I.
I did notice a curious item, why do people blow the snow from their driveways into the street making the street impassible? Why not blow the snow into their own front yards? Our neighbor did get yelled at for plugging up the street so out he went to clear the street. I did get almost get caught up today. Sun was out and it was beautiful.