Friday, March 31, 2017

April: Week 1

Continuing from the Henry Schurter journal of 1948.

April 1: "Went to the farm this morning early. Made fence, tore out some, and made some new, was pretty nice day, but cool."

Potatoes  2.25

April 2: "Went to the farm early. Worked around home till noon, burned some peach brush and tore down old toilet, made fence after dinner and hauled one load of manure on potato patch. Was rather cool all day, Helen and Charles went to band concert this evening."

Groceries  4.63

April 3: "Went to farm early this morning. Hauled three loads manure. Then started disking for oats, was still a little wet. Got three patches disked today. Was pretty nice day. Helen went to Pekin shopping with Chris(tine, sister) this evening."

April 4: "Got up late this morning. Elmer Miller came about 10:00 and we went to Pekin to look for some shrubs. Then went to farm to work on harrow and mix seed oats. Greased disk and tractor. Stayed for supper. Helen and kids were down too." 

oil  29.50
lard  5.00

April 5: "Went to farm at 5 o'clock this morning. Started disking at 5:30. We had 12 acres oats in by noon. Dan helped us until noon. I disked for Dan (brother) all afternoon till 7 o'clock. Dan was still sowing oats when I went home. Dad helped Dan for 2 hours. Looks like rain."

April 6: " Went to farm early. Disked for Dan about 1 hr. He took drill to Eichers. Then plowed ditchs for me for about 1 hour. Dad sowed alfalfa. Then used Dans tractor to harrow 4 acres. Dan helped Dad drill oats about 2 hours. I disked till 8:15. Had flat tire on way home. Was nice day, but a little cool.

April 7: "Went to farm this morning, (had) stayed in bed late. Had awful hard rain and thunderstorm. Made some fence, hauled couple loads of manure, worked on disk. Came home early. Rockholds were in last night."

seeds  .90
gro.  4.08

Picture below is of the Schurter brothers: John Schurter (Henry's Dad, my grandfather) is third from left. Bill is on left, Conrad is next, and Henry is on the right.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Family History

Journal notes from Henry Schurter, 1948. The above picture is of the farm where he was born in 1917, south of Dillon, IL. This is where Henry "went to farm."

March 27: "Stayed home today. Was raining and snowing. Nasty day to be out. Set clothes line poles this afternoon. Worked around the house most of the day.
Ice Cream  .72
Groceries   2.89 and 1.12
Pekin Times  .20

March 28: "Got up late this morning. Kids went to Sunday School. Went to Ruth's (sister) after dinner for the afternoon and evening, got home about 9:00 p.m. Was nice day but very chilly."
Pekin Times .25

March 29: "Went to farm early this morning, made some fence, burned brush before dinner, plowed potato patch after dinner, worked some ditches, also worked on brooder house. Was very fine day. High of 56
Groceries  None

March 30: "Went to farm early this morning. Sowed clover seed til noon, planted potatoes after dinner. Helped Eichers saw wood couple of hours, started raining about 4:15 p.m."
Groceries  2.43

March 31: "Went to farm this morning made fence, also a a six room bird house. Charles (oldest son) was down with me. Rained most of day. Was very nasty day."
Groceries  None

Saturday, March 25, 2017


Weather was once again a distraction from our unpacking process. We decided to drive Rt. 44 to the Badlands, of course we missed our turn and took a gravel route into the park but that allowed us to drive past the car in the top picture. It was truly a wonderful trip and we are enjoying our South Dakota home. We did find it interesting that the only people we encountered in the park were from out of state.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Custer State Park

 We needed another break from unpacking so left early this morning for Custer State Park. Animals were out throughout the park and the temperatures were wonderful. I think we're ready for the final unpacking push.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


After two years of talking, praying and investigating we have relocated to Rapid City, SD. We have been asked multiple times, "why?" Primarily because our only grandchild is in Portland, OR yet we have family in Illinois so being closer to Illinois won out. Tomorrow marks one week in our new "home." Anyone know how long it takes to empty all the boxes? The weather, until today, has been wonderful which allowed us to get out and get lost in our new hometown. People have been wonderful helping out the "newbies."

We did learn there is quite the difference in taking a Sunday drive in South Dakota vs. a Sunday drive in Illinois. Rule 1 is to have a full tank of gas and rule 2 is to take snacks. We were going to visit a historic battle site about 24 miles east of Buffalo. We found the site and read the signs and looked around then headed on to Buffalo so we would make a loop and repeat our route. Honestly, I needed gas and it was closer to drive to Buffalo and get gas to head home. We arrived home after driving 230 miles. It was gorgeous, the variety of scenery was amazing and imaging how the horse soldiers traveled and how the Native Americans lived was a history teachers dream world.

We are going to take another break from unpacking to head south to Custer State Park tomorrow morning. The weather is supposed to return to the 60s and some hiking will be a great break. I'll have some pictures to add from our trip.
