Tuesday, March 21, 2017


After two years of talking, praying and investigating we have relocated to Rapid City, SD. We have been asked multiple times, "why?" Primarily because our only grandchild is in Portland, OR yet we have family in Illinois so being closer to Illinois won out. Tomorrow marks one week in our new "home." Anyone know how long it takes to empty all the boxes? The weather, until today, has been wonderful which allowed us to get out and get lost in our new hometown. People have been wonderful helping out the "newbies."

We did learn there is quite the difference in taking a Sunday drive in South Dakota vs. a Sunday drive in Illinois. Rule 1 is to have a full tank of gas and rule 2 is to take snacks. We were going to visit a historic battle site about 24 miles east of Buffalo. We found the site and read the signs and looked around then headed on to Buffalo so we would make a loop and repeat our route. Honestly, I needed gas and it was closer to drive to Buffalo and get gas to head home. We arrived home after driving 230 miles. It was gorgeous, the variety of scenery was amazing and imaging how the horse soldiers traveled and how the Native Americans lived was a history teachers dream world.

We are going to take another break from unpacking to head south to Custer State Park tomorrow morning. The weather is supposed to return to the 60s and some hiking will be a great break. I'll have some pictures to add from our trip.


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