Saturday, April 29, 2017

April 29 - May 5, 1948

April 29: "Went to farm early today. Plowed in timber all day. Didn't get home till eleven o'clock. Finished one patch that I started night before last. Broke mold board on plow. Was cool this morning but got pretty warm during the day. Have poison ivy. Carol went to Grandma Adcox's all day."

Gro. 1.94
paper  .35
stamps .30

April 30: "Went to farm early this morning. Harrowed most of morning. Hauled some stumps. Plowed after dinner. Dad got plow fixed by noon. Looked like rain all afternoon. Some farmers are planting corn. We won't start till May 10th. Saw the kids for the first time in three days."

May 1: "Went to farm early. Disked all morning as Dad was getting the plow fixed. Started plowing after dinner. Broke point off of plow shear about first round after dinner. Dad went to Delavan to get a new pair of points. I burned brush after dinner. Went to Pekin to show last night. Nancy Koch stayed with kids."

show and eats  1.86
groc. 5.06
tire  1.35
paper  .20
medicine  .35

May 2: "Stayed home most of day as it was raining. Went to Grandma Adcox's to visit with Harriet and Gale and Mertie and Dave. I had to go to the doctor to get something out my eye. It was pretty sore."

paid on doctor bill  19.00
paper  .15

May 3: "Went to farm early this morning. Started plowing about 8:30. Was still pretty wet. Knocked the valve stem off of front tractor tire. Had to quit early and get it fixed."

Sauder & Brunner tire  1.35
Avon  3.11
George McMullin for welding  .50

May 4: "Went to farm late this morning as we had pretty heavy rain. Went to timber to get tractor and hunt mushrooms. Found a paper sack full. Worked on corn planter all afternoon. Aunt Ebbie was home today."

ice cream  .75

May 5: "Went to farm early. Finished plowing sod in timber. Disked all afternoon in timber. Got done about 7:30. Helen was down and worked in garden. Started raining this evening. Some are planting corn."

lights and water  8.86
gro.  1.43

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