Saturday, May 20, 2017

May 20 - 26, 1948

Henry and sister, Christine (Tick in the journal)

May 20: "Went to farm early this morning. Harrowed and disked all day. Used Dan's tractor 2 1/2 hours to harrow. Have clover ground ready to plant. Helen and kids were down most of day."

May 21: "Went to farm early this morning. Harrowed 4 acre patch twice. Then started planting about 7 o'clock, planted 14 acres today. Disked patch up in timber this evening. Showers of rain went around all day."

gro. 1.49
Pekin Times  .20

May 22: "Went to farm early. Harrowed ground in timber. Then planted it before dinner. Went over 10 acres of corn after dinner, with rotary hoe. Came home early. Went to Morton and Pekin after supper. Got home early. Have a very bad cold."

eats  .82
gas  1.00

May 23: "Stayed in bed late this morning. Fitted two screens this morning and painted them. Went up to Adcox's after dinner. Came home early. Went to bed about 8:30. Rockhold's were here after I went to bed."

paper  .15
gum  .05
ice cream  .75

May 24: "Got up early this morning. Started disking in timber. Got all ground disked. One patch harrowed. Was very cool this morning. Came home early."

gro. .80

May 25: "Went to farm early. Worked ground in timber all day. Was very cool this morning all our first planted corn is up. Sure need a rain bad."

May 26: "Went to farm early. Was very cool this morning. Had two hours of harrowing. Then started planting. Had about one acre left for tomorrow."

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