Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Norman Victor Adcox: Daybook of Tremont Schools 1950

Highlights of September/October:

9/8/1950    checked all fire extinguishers in rural schools.

9/19/1950   Otto Getz barn destroyed by lightning. Approximately $30 missing, lost by football players. G. C. and F. N. admit taking it from gym. (I'm not publishing the full names.)

9/29/1950   Football      Homecoming Game, Washing vs. Tremont, Tremont won 7-0, dance in evening in the gym.

9/30/1950    Football, Champaign, football team to game at Urbana-Champaign

10/2/1950  PTA meeting in gym, 150 present

10/3/1950  Masonic Lodge; Henry Schurter, Harold Lee, and Edward Nafziger--Gellow Craft degree (I guess not everything will deal with school.

10/?/1950  Len Kissellus (sp) to build new home on lot east of Wilbur Fox, across from Emma Springer.

10/6/1950 Antioch stoker and window repaired.

10/9/1950   Boys tipped over Menert toilets, girls were turned on base, early Halloween pranks.

10/10/1950  Menert toilets tipped over again with considerable damage, board considering action.

10/17/1950   Menert, Berry, Maiden Lane chimney repairs made by Joe Litwiller.

10/20/1950   Football at Morton, NIGHT game, Tremont 39  Morton 13

10/21/1950   3 panes of glass broken by pranksters at Menert

10/23/1950   New students in 2nd grade, brought in 6 seats from Bolliger School--closed

10/26/1950   Masonic Lodge, Henry Schurter, Edward Nafziger, Harold Lee take 3rd degree

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