Saturday, April 28, 2018

Custer State Park visit

Spring seems to have finally arrived in the Black Hills. We left after breakfast this morning to drive the wildlife loop in Custer State Park and hike the Prairie Trail. The fire late last fall is very visible as my pictures show but you can also see the green grass where the old grass was burned away. They are still hauling double trailer loads of wood out of the park for use but many of the burned trees don't qualify for use. After our hike we saw five bison calves enjoying the sunshine with their moms and causing a traffic jam so everyone could take a picture. Cars from Ohio, Iowa, Missouri, Colorado, Wisconsin and Minnesota were the most common on our drive. We are also a month from the real opening of tourist season. On our way home we saw a car/motorcycle accident north of Hill City. The rider was still down, prayers that his injuries weren't serious. 

Tremont History

Year of print was not identified. Don't know the location of this place but my parents always said an old abandoned house was torn down so they could build. Rayburn Becker built on the other part of the lot. If anyone knows the location of this home I would be grateful if you would post a comment.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

In town hike today

Afternoon hike in Rapid City today. Temperature was in the low 60s so we headed out on a new part of the trail system located in our great city. Numerous mountain bikers were out, trail runners and hikers made for a great walk.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Tazewell County 1943: Armed Service inductees

Pekin Times reran this photo from 1943. My Uncle Yeat (Charles) is on the right in the middle row. A follow up story on each of these young men and their war experiences would be interesting. 

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Badlands National Park in April



Wonderful day to get out and enjoy a hike at the Badlands National Park. We took the Saddle Pass Trail to Castle Trail and spent a couple of hours hiking in some of the most amazing country a person can visit. Saddle Pass is a steep climb and we were glad it was dry, no way you are going up if it's damp.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Hike at the Wesleyan Church Camp, Rapid City

The Wesleyan Church has a wonderful camp here in Rapid City. Vicki and I went there for a hike this morning. Weather was perfect and it's a beautiful location only an across town drive from our house. We saw a fox as we began the hike but too far away for a picture attempt. It is possible that Spring has finally arrived.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Adcox Family Photo: Year Unknown

Location and date are unknown for this picture of the Adcox family. My grandfather (Charles Omer Adcox) and grandmother (Alta) and either Carlyle or Vic have small marks above them on the right side. Daughter Mertie is third from right in the front row. Mertie was born in 1903 so my best guess is this photo was taken before 1910.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Black Hills National Forest and Custer State Park

Took a drive into the Black Hills National Forest and Custer State Park today. The top three pictures are of Lakota Lake, beautiful location in the BHNF that has a picnic area and hiking. We were able to see some of the bison in CSP along with a new calf. We didn't get the predicted rain which is okay for now since we are ahead on precipitation for the year.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Snowstorm of 2018


April 13-14 brought a cold, wet snow to Rapid City. The cloudy pictures above were taken during the storm while the sunny picture was taken on the 14th. The ground was warm enough that the snow turned to slush upon contact so the nearly 10" didn't just pile up but could be pushed away during the day. Local ranchers have to be excited about all the moisture this year which allows them to anticipate good grazing for the cattle herds around Rapid City. It will also push our local water resources to nearly 100%. What a blessing. Today we are getting our third straight day of sunshine to clear remaining snow. Spring may arrive yet.......oh, there is a slight chance of snow on Friday.

One final note, I deleted my Facebook account so I will try to spend a bit more time posting pictures of hikes on my blog.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Eva Adcox death 1916

Example of issues in family history research. Notice how one article spells the family name, Adcock while the other spells it Adcox. Adcox was the spelling those in the Tremont area knew.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Peoria Journal Star picture from June 21, 1946

Not the best quality but Ned was my wife's grandfather. For those of us from the area we remember a variety of Mackinaw River floods.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Tremont Little League team

Front Row from left: Larry Bolliger, Ken Knapp, Greg Gossmeyer, Marc Stuber, Tom Bolliger, Dennis Shannon
Back Row from left: asst. coach Rocky Duffin, Ken Goodwin, Dan Cullinan, Rich Schurter, Jon Leddy, Randy Miller, Bill Grimm and Coach Jim Schurter

I can't exactly remember the year (guess is 1966) but I do remember we had a good team and would travel to tournaments. We would be the only team with no uniforms. Due to October birthdays Greg G. and I were still eligible for Little League even though we were a year ahead in school. In some cases we were more than the year ahead.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Tremont High School Cross Country team 1968

At this time in school history if you wanted to play basketball you had to run cross-country or play football.

Front row from left:  Randy Rowell, Rich Schurter, Dennis Stuber, Don Pflederer, Ken Pflederer, Jim Boyle, Wayne Haskett, Dean Unsicker
Back Row from left: Bob Sparrow, Jerry Zuercher, Chuck Brunner, Howard Sauder, Timm Frank, Bob Beecham  and Coach Curt Reed