Saturday, April 28, 2018

Custer State Park visit

Spring seems to have finally arrived in the Black Hills. We left after breakfast this morning to drive the wildlife loop in Custer State Park and hike the Prairie Trail. The fire late last fall is very visible as my pictures show but you can also see the green grass where the old grass was burned away. They are still hauling double trailer loads of wood out of the park for use but many of the burned trees don't qualify for use. After our hike we saw five bison calves enjoying the sunshine with their moms and causing a traffic jam so everyone could take a picture. Cars from Ohio, Iowa, Missouri, Colorado, Wisconsin and Minnesota were the most common on our drive. We are also a month from the real opening of tourist season. On our way home we saw a car/motorcycle accident north of Hill City. The rider was still down, prayers that his injuries weren't serious. 

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