Sunday, May 27, 2018

Mickelson Trail Ride Day Two

Day two from the Mickelson Trail: Disclaimer, my wife and I grew up in the same small, central Illinois town, rail to trail makes you think relatively flat. I had biked the Katy Trail in Missouri, there was one climb on it, Hog Hill or some such name, that made you strain. This trail is one climb, descent, climb, descent, on a recumbent I spent a lot of time using my mountain gear. I also hiked and pushed a few times. I left Oreville campground around 8:30 a.m. and proceeded to climb to Crazy Horse monument. Beautiful weather, low humidity so you don't have sweat pouring from every pore but you have to remember to keep drinking water regularly. It was a wonderful 5.1 mile downhill into Custer. This is a great town to visit. We camped at French Creek, right on the trail and just a block off Main Street so easy access to great food. I had arranged for my wife to pick me up at the White Elephant Trailhead just south of Custer, no water or toilet here. This was a short day of riding which left time to explore Custer on foot and let my body recover from day 1.

I have to be perfectly honest, I needed this short day. My body was tired, legs were sore and an early stop was just what I needed.

 Signs along the way to let you know how far to Edgemont. Further north you don't see them very often but they become very regular the closer to Edgemont you get.

 Horses near Crazy Horse monument shelter.

 Typical views along the trail.

 Vick picked me up here and we went back (6 miles) to camp in Custer.

 Great park in Custer. We'll go back to hike it since I had had all the climbing I wanted the previous two days. Vick was nice and said she hadn't brought the "right shoes" for hiking.

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