Saturday, June 15, 2019

A Day in the Life

June 13 was spent touring the Pine Ridge Reservation with a group representing Blackhills & Badlands Tourism. Pine Ridge Chamber of Commerce President took us on an all tour sharing local sites that would interest tour groups our company will bring to the area. What a fascinating day, I have included some links to further explore a few sites. Singing Horse Trading Post was truly amazing, art work, art supplies and local Native Americans to answer questions.

 This picture was taken at the Pine Ridge Chamber of Commerce Museum, the bead work is beyond description.

 Just a sample of the church windows at Red Cloud School. This is a Jesuit school and Lakota language instruction (immersion style) began 3-4 years ago. The Catholic Church also has switched services to about 75% Lakota language service. 

Friday morning I was up by 5:15 a.m. for another training day. This was especially important for me since it was a trip to the Little Big Horn Battlefield. I am now p.c. on this issue: traditionally if the Native Americans won the battle it was called a massacre, if the U.S. soldiers won, it was a battle. I'm trying to calling each a battle. I met my tour guide "instructor," loaded the van with the day's supplies and picked up our New Jersey family of four at their motel and we were on our way. In case you haven't been following the weather we have had an unusually wet winter and it has continued through spring so everything is green! 

 Our first stop was the Vore bison jump. This is an interesting look back to a period from the 1500s to the 1800s when Native Americans would stampede bison off this ledge (next picture) into the pit below. They then surrounded the injured bison below and shot arrows to finish the hunting work and begin the processing of meat for winter. Dating of use of this site is done based on the arrowheads found here. There have also been numerous wolf-dog skeletons excavated. The domestic dog wasn't strong enough to haul much meat out the processing pit (could contain up to 150 bison) so the first people began breeding a mix of dog and wolf........this is not a good idea. The wolf is loud, aggressive, restless and difficult to train, this was not easily bred out. The guide said they had to break off the front incisors because of the biting force which became a danger to the children. These animals still bit but the wound was not nearly so severe. This was not hunting for the faint of heart.

 Our second stop was at Devil's Tower. Because this is not the primary stop on our tour we allow time for pictures, restroom break and a bit of shopping.

 The primary focus of the day is The Little Big Horn battlefield. We listened to the ranger overview of the battle and then headed off to begin our tour at the Reno site and retrace troop and Native movements throughout the two to two and one half hours of the battle. Engagements between Natives and soldiers began about 3:00 p.m. and were over by 5:30 p.m. with Custer and between 42 and 49 men on last stand hill. I have been here numerous times, hiked, read and pondered, I will never understand what Custer was thinking. We were told that West Point has simply updated this battle for modern modern tactics teaching, never divide your force and then attack an enemy of unknown size. This is still considered an unwinnable decision. Custer had forced march his men the day before, worn his horses to a frazzle and then divided his force to engage an enemy that he was totally unaware numbered more than a 1,000 of the best guerrilla fighters in the country. The Natives were better armed and far better shots than most troops that served in the west at the time. The soldiers were attempting to use a single shot breech loading rifle that was accurate up to 900 yards against an enemy that had numerous repeating rifles and fought at close range. Libby Custer lost a husband, brothers-in-law, and a nephew that day. It is truly a site for reflection.

We then loaded our family and drove to Buffalo, WY for a stop at the Occidental Hotel and then back to Rapid City arriving home at 12:30 a.m. It was a wonderful tour with a family that had many questions. I hope we were able to satisfy some of their curiosity about this part of the country. 

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