Thursday, July 24, 2008


Elkader, Iowa is a wonderful community built along the Turkey River. The bridge in the photo was constructed early in the 20th century by the same methods used in ancient Rome. Wooden arched forms supported the stones until a keystone was dropped into place and filled in the pressure point providing a stable, nearly maintenance free structure. Any community that needs bridges, has access to a quarry at a reasonable distance should consider this method. The bridge was originally built in 9 months but has required almost no follow-up maintenance. We, in the Midwest, typically build using concrete piers with iron beams and a concrete deck which are all constantly hammered by our use of salt, the iron rusts and needs painting, the concrete rots and needs replaced, the taxpayer continues to support the ever growing cycle. Anyway, if you are ever near Elkader, stop and see this bridge.

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