Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Vicki and I have been blessed to see much of the United States. We literally have friends in most areas of the country and to spend time with people doing something outdoors is the greatest treat. This is the group picture (minus the photographer, Michael) taken after our snow-shoe adventure.
What a great group of young adults who willingly spend time with the "old" folks on the day after Thanksgiving. It keeps Vicki and I young and focused on keeping the perspectives of others in mind. It becomes very easy to get set in your ways as you age. Teaching with a solid group of young people keeps me from becoming that old grouch (I hope.) that many people turn into after age 55. The future belongs to the young and while I have learned several things not to do in life, their optimism is needed in my life. We can learn from each other. During this Christmas season it has been fun to look back and see how blessed I am to be able to spend a lot of time with adults the same age as my children. Their friendship is invaluable!

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