Sunday, April 6, 2014


Training miles: 217.5

Because I will be riding alone I am trying to do most of my training alone. I will try to drag son or a friend along on some rides but most of the time I will ride alone. Some of you reading this may think that sounds awful, some may think you would listen to music or a book, and some may quit at the mere thought of riding alone. I have come to appreciate being alone on my bike.

Today, my wife walked nearly 4 miles in just over 60 minutes. That was wonderful, I enjoy the time with my wife, I always enjoy being outdoors (no phone!) on a beautiful day but walking with her makes it even more special. "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows and proclaims His handiwork (Psalm 19:1)." We get to catch up a bit on what we have been thinking, struggling with, enjoying, plans, budget, family, and other every day things. But this isn't the same as being alone on a bike.

The Psalm remains as true, I get to examine creation in a whole different manner when alone. I can ask questions of God when I'm alone that I wouldn't ask in the company of others. I am more clearly thinking when alone and I can set small goals without needing to ask anyone if that sounds okay to them. The Psalmist goes on to write in verses 3-4, "there is no speech nor spoken word (from the stars); their voice is not heard; yet their voice (in evidence) goes out through all the earth, their sayings to the end of the world. Of the heavens has God made a tent for the sun." These words are so true. The sun nor clouds verbally respond to my questions nor the stars when out before the sun rises (yes, I have lights) but their voice is heard through the quiet. God's voice can speak through the quiet and we need quiet to hear it. Alone, on a bike, provides that opportunity.

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