Saturday, July 29, 2017

July 29 - August 4, 1948

Wisconsin, Labor Day Weekend 1957
Most Schurter cousins can probably relate to fishing trips "up north."

July 29: "Went to farm early this morning. Worked on threshing machine all day, sprayed the hay field this evening, came home about 8:00. Looked like rain this evening. Helen and Charles went to show this evening."

overalls & suspenders   2.25

July 30: "Went to farm early this morning. Worked on fence till noon. Then set threshing machine and threshed 2 loads of bundles after dinner. Will try and finish the wheat tomorrow."

telephone  2.57
lights    5.33
water bill  3.16
gro.   5.54

July 31: "Went to farm early this morning. Worked around home. Getting ready to thresh. Started early noon. Didn't get quite done. Wheat turned out pretty good. Dad is leaving on a fishing trip tomorrow."

August 1: "Got up early this morning went to farm to milk as Dad left for Minnesota fishing. Unloaded load of wheat before noon. Stayed home all afternoon as Helen and kids are moving down to stay (on the farm) for 10 days."

August 2: "Got up early this morning. Worked on electric fence most of morning. Helped Schmidt's turn their wheat from 10 o'clock till noon. Threshed their wheat after dinner. Had three loads of wheat to thresh here this evening."

August 3: "Got up early this morning. Done chores then went to oats field to turn oats shocks. Dan and Vic were here to help me. Started threshing after dinner wast too wet, and had to quit. Threshed about 150 bushels of oats. Unloaded the oats yet this evening."

August 4: "Had a shower of rain last night. Couldn't thresh today. Worked around home all day. Went to timber to check fence and see if cows were all up there. Hauled big load of hay to ditch."

gro.  1.05
lawn mower  1.50

Note and link from Rich:  If you have never seen "threshing" this link will take you to a YouTube video that demonstrates what was going on.

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