Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Badlands National Park: October 17, 2017

 Our second annual October hike on Notch Trail at Badlands National Park. It was mid 60s when we started and low 70s by the time we returned. Twenty percent humidity gives the sky that wonderful blue. This park is simply amazing and while some of you may remember previous photos I have not reused any picture from last year.

 Warm weather brought out this small rattlesnake to warm himself on the trail. 

 He quickly moved to protection as we approached. Small (young) rattlesnakes are just as dangerous as older, larger rattlesnakes.

 Our favorite part of Notch Trail is climbing this "ladder."

 View northeast from the top of the ladder.

 Notch Trail

 Looking out to the prairie to the east.

 View from the "Notch," you are looking a bit northwest from here.

 Nearly too bright to capture area as the sun was directly overhead.

 Looking down the ladder you can see how strong currents formed this little area.

 Apologies for not taking pictures of the Mountain Sheep that were sleeping right beside the road. They have become so much a part of our BNP experience that I guess I take them for granted.

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