Saturday, November 17, 2018

Something to Pray about

For the past two years Vicki and I have been blessed to read through the entire Bible twice. I cannot stress the blessing received from this daily time examining God's Word. My thanks to Matthew Henry, N.T. Wright, and Warren Wiersbe for clarifying difficult sections of the Old and New Testament. At only a couple of points did the daily reading become difficult but perseverance seemed to bring about a verse that made even those tough times in Leviticus and Job a blessing.

For 2019 we will be reading through the Bible in chronological order. This plan is as close as recent archaeology allows. We are inviting you to consider this and you have about a month and one half to prayerfully consider joining us on January 1. If you have done this a number of times, great, join us for another time through. If you have never done this, great, it will open your eyes to the connectedness of the Old and New Testament. Keep your Bible dictionary and commentary handy as you join this joyful journey.

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