Saturday, June 8, 2019

May 11, 2019 Visit to Open Cut Mine Between Harney and Keystone

 Our class at the entrance to the open cut mine. It isn't clear what the original purpose was, feldspar, mica, etc. but mica won out. It is a favorite place for target shooting and dumping trash.

 Further into the open cut you get a better idea of the effort put into this.

 This is a view from the top looking into the mine. I have no idea of the number of miners, owners, or value of the mica removed.

 Near the open cut is the beginning of a shaft mine for what is called lode mining. No, there isn't a fence protecting you if you're here after dark with no light. You would have a 20' drop and sudden stop at the bottom. When hiking in the hills pay attention if you are in mining areas. The Black Hills has over 100 abandoned mines.

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