Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Porkies

Just returned from camping in the UP of Michigan. We went to Porcupine Mountains State Park for some rest. Pitched our tent, ate old backpacking food, NO soda, pressed coffee and lots of time to do nothing! On one side we had an advertising agent from Chicago who comes here each year to keep from going insane and on the other side a couple from Ironwood who come every weekend. One makes more than 100k per year and the other, less than 30k. Who was the happier? The ad man made it clear that he lived in Chicago because that is the best market other than New York, the couple lived in Ironwood because it allowed them close access to the wilderness, peace of mind and soul. Their house was paid off, they own a little pop-up camper and they love the outdoors. Vicki and I read and hiked and visited with our neighbors from Ironwood. They have correct priorities, they see value in time, time they can spend in the woods. As Thoreau screams, "Simplify!" most of us complicate, we want the latest and greatest which forces us to work jobs we hate. I am fortunate, I work around great people, they inspire, they keep me grounded, they are honest and I truly believe they would give me the shirt off their back. Community.

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