Sunday, July 29, 2007

The End Is Near!

It has been a few days since I've been near the internet to blog. Life has been wild and interesting. I have learned a couple of things: 1. Tearing off a roof and installing a new roof complete with two valleys is not something you should take lightly when you are past 50 and don't do that kind of work every day; 2. Listen to your wife when they tell you to see a doctor regarding awful looking lumps in the space between your upper lip and your nose.
My sons, Michael and Paul, and myself have been installing a new roof on Michael's home in Peoria. Thirty years ago I did this kind of work while going to college and both of my son's have done this kind of work to encourage them to finish college. It has been a real joy working with them but I constantly ache from the physical labor involved in this process. Plus, upon returning from our Brazil mission trip I found my leg had a nice infection brewing which required treatment with a course of antibiotics; while on the antibiotics a "lump" formed under my nose which I decided needed broken. Mistake! It didn't break but continued to grow, increased in pain and I finally had to go to a Medfirst clinic on a Sunday for some relief. It appears that somewhere I have picked up one of those nasty infections that don't respond well to treatment. I am now on my third course of antibiotics (internal and topical) and they hope to have it cleaned up by the time school starts. I can't even shave so that beard I once thought would be cool is now a partial reality. I really don't want to start school with this little hole right below my nose.
I am learning, again, about pride; about age; about pride and listening to my spouse.

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