Thursday, July 5, 2007

Home again

Here we are at the Belem Zoo. We left Altamira on July 3 amid tears and joy. There are so many people who mean so much to Vicki and I and leaving is difficult. We did get to Belem in time to visit their Amazonian Zoo, it is fantastic! Birds, fish, animals and all are native to the Amazon region. We even ran into American students who are spending a month in the region doing science studies. However, hunger took over and we caught a taxi back to the Vila Rica (our hotel). We walked across the street to the Italian Restaurant that came highly recommended but it didn't open until after 6:00 p.m. and so we walked around the corner and went into another recommended restaurant and said a quick prayer and picked two meals off the Portuguese menu. After a long wait our food arrived. . . . it was amazing. . .salad, mashed potatoes, rice, fillet Mignon wrapped in cheese and ham and covered with a Parmesan sauce. Becca had ordered chicken and it's a good thing we didn't order three meals because we couldn't begin to finish the two we had ordered. July 4 began early with our flight leaving for San Luiz then Fortaluza (sp) and then on to Rio. All connections went well and were on time. Our plane for Atlanta boarded and we met a young man from Spokane, Washington who was finishing 7 weeks in Sau Paulo with Campus Crusade for Christ. Their team had been doing college ministry and the excitement was catching. We both see Brazilians as very open and relational people which fits perfectly with the Christianity taught by Jesus. He was headed on to Minneapolis where he would catch the train for a 24 hour ride home. We thought our travels were long and tiring. It is good to be home, cats have been lonesome. Now is the time for debriefing our experience and that is the difficult part of this process.

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