Thursday, July 19, 2007

Where Does the Summer Go?

Where does our time go? Vicki and I have the summer "off" so where does our time go? Yes, we are reading and preparing for new classes to be taught this fall, yes, I make her help me hoist sheeting in the garage attic, yes, I have been biking each day, yes, I have been keeping up my SOAPY, yes, I have been working on a Missions budget for church, yes, I have been making recruiting calls for BT 2 at our church, and a number of other things around the house that "must" be done. Time. . . .we never seem to have enough but we always fill our free time so there will never be enough. The picture, from the Simon yard in Brasil, seems to remind me to take time to smell the . . .
I am currently reading 1776, by David McCullough. What a book! If you want to understand the beginnings of our nation I recommend this book. I didn't realize that Washington was the "old" man of the founding fathers at age 42 or 43. Thomas Jefferson was 32! Would we trust our future to a 32 year old today? The issue that is most troubling to me is whether or not I would have even supported the revolution. I am a fiscal conservative who believes in very slow change, would I have been willing to give up the security provided by the most powerful nation on earth for the unknown? If I had been a middle class businessman would I have sacrificed my nice little life and possibly my future security for a new and untried system? At age 52 I would not trust a 32 year old to faithfully communicate the ideals of the Enlightenment and then see them carried through. Were they perfect men? No, none of us are but what is our vision for our future?

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