Thursday, July 10, 2008

Life As He Knows It

Spent a couple of days with this young man in Tijuca, Brazil. He lived in the house right next to where my hammock hung. His family has acquired land by "homesteading" in the Amazon jungle. The U.S. did this in various areas and I actually think Alaska still has some areas where homesteading goes on. You get a parcel of land, jungle land, to clear, build a house, find a water supply, acquire some animals, plant some crops, keep yourself healthy, consider ways to earn money and all this is done without electricity, no internet, blogs, cell phone, etc. I watched this little guy work our team for food, candy, and "stuff." (The worst effect of Adam's fall was that every human wants more "stuff." ) He knows how to survive, would I? A teacher walks into his "community" each morning for a few hours of school. He is learning to read, write and cipher. A church is being built and Naldo comes and holds formal services once or twice a month. How different his world is from mine. I struggled during the two days we were in Tijuca. It is America of 150 years ago and knowing the errors we made I am always a little depressed to see the same errors being made in the Amazon region. What errors? Clearing the land for cattle and grassland to feed the cattle, not replanting enough trees, not making sure erosion is kept to a minimum, sanitary water, education, we gave away toothpaste and one little guy ate most of the tube before we could explain that it was cleaning your teeth not eating. Killing every creature that is a pest. I know big snakes are scary and dangerous but they don't always have to be killed. Access to health care along the river seems to be a definite need and more "circuit riding" ministers like the Methodists of yesteryear. Consistent spiritual guidance is needed, it helps control our sinful nature, it reminds us that others are important, it also reminds us that God gave us dominion over His creation and we must take care of it. It doesn't mean we were given free reign to do whatever we please, we are caretakers for His garden and we have made a mess of it. Sinful nature coming to the fore....sorry. In many ways life is very simple for little guy and in many ways life is very difficult. Our lives are anything but simple and because we have made them so complicated I think they are difficult. Lord, how did we stray so far from your Truth? Your simpleness, righteousness, and love? Forgive my arrogance and my ignorance, refine me, shape me to Your will, continue the cleansing of this world from my priorities so that I am able to see Your priorities. Silence the noise of this life so I may hear Your voice. Amen.

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