Thursday, July 3, 2008

Tunnel Vision

The photo was taken at the Hotel Vila Rica in Belem, Brasil. I was headed to breakfast after a very late arrival (actually early morning arrival) and noticed this walk to the "lake." It is a very direct path, no side trails to distract you from your goal. This is the path!
Many of us seek a life like this, we set a goal and nothing will distract us from achieving that goal. My concern is whether I have allowed God a part in deter- ming my goal. My plan is usually centered around a path that will allow me to accumulate wealth so I can have a better house, cars, vacations, etc. I think God wants our journey to be variable enough to allow for His guidance to lead us on side trips. His plan and our plan, no matter how we may feel, can be totally different. My prayer is that I am always seeking His path.

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