Thursday, July 30, 2009

Another Beautiful Day

Got the north side of the garage sheeted today and I am set up to finish the south side tomorrow. South side will go much slower since there is a lot of flashing to finish. It seems as if this has gone on forever but I was reminded of a song our boys listened to when they were young and the words seem very appropriate for my hurry up mindset. The part I remember went, "have patience, have patience, don't be in such a hurry, when you get impatient, you only start to worry, remember, remember, that God is patient too," and by this point I get the message. Slow and steady will get the job done. The weather has cooperated and stayed unusually cool for July (where did all the horror stories about global warming go).

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Getting There

I really don't like heights anymore. I have just finished installing the roof on our new garage and I am sooooooo glad to have my feet planted on the ground. From the photo you can also see that I have finished installing the last gable end studs on the second floor. To give an idea of the height, my nine foot step ladder fits under the cross pieces toward the upper part of the interior. It is still a good thing for me to keep doing some things that stretch my confidences. They help me think things through, always plan for an emergency (if your plank snaps, lay flat and in five feet another plank will stop your fall) and never get in a rush to finish. With school about to start these are probably pretty good steps to remember in my classroom.
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Monday, July 20, 2009

New Neighbors

Just came in from taking this photo of our new neighbor. I think it is a Cooper Hawk but someone better than I would have to verify. The mother and father have a nest in the tree just two houses down from us I came across this one eating something. The partner was also on the ground but by the time I got home and got my camera it was too late. Truly amazing to watch this great bird eat. I have never seen hawks nest in town before. This is the third time I have seen these two in yard and a person can listen to their cry from the tree when walking by.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I hate algebra. I never saw a use for it. Geometry is beautiful, just look at all the shapes in one photo. You will never find this in an algebra photo.
I am at the frustration point in the construction, the fun and easy parts are done. I have to pay attention or I'll mess up or worse, get hurt in the fall. I'm ready to turn it over to someone else. In Sunday School today Frank shared a quote that was appropriate for me, "God is sovereign but you can't lean on a shovel and expect a hole." (Tommy Nelson) I was at the leaning point but now I'm ready to go again

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Another Day

Continued work on the north garage, I do not like being in the air without solid visible support. Today was installing the final two rafters on the south edge, face boards, and filling in the north gable end. Video clip shows Paul doesn't care for heights any more than I.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Garage Progress

Tonight was the night. Rafters were set, racing against the rain that never came. Luke Stuber, Paul Schurter, Arlan Miller, and me. It was humid, the guy who decided to put a 12 pitch on the garage was crazy (me). But, once we figured out how to do this without killing anyone (put the youngest and strongest in the dangerous positions) it really went well. The difficult part of getting the sheeting in place comes next and then filling in the gable ends but that is another worry. Our thanks goes to neighbor Wayne for coming up with another 9' step ladder, my 8' was a bit short so having two 9' ladders made for much easier work for the height guys.

Video from Oregon Trip

Video clip from a hike we took while visiting Samantha and Michael in Portland. Great day, great company, great hike. God is good, His creation is amazing.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Current Project

Living in an older home is interesting. Over the years there were attempts to "update" things. Carpeting laid over oak floors is one I still have yet to comprehend. The original owner of our home got tired of walking two blocks to a garage so he bought a garage from someone, dismantled it, and put it up next to his house. That worked well for years and years but then termites and other "updates" by owners over the years took a toll on the venerable garage. We knew there was termite damage and so the year we moved in I hired American Pest Control to rid the premises of the pesky critters. Ahhhhhh, the damage was already done. Tearing the old garage down I found the garage door header had been chewed literally to pieces. Every corner was eaten and the sill plate was just about gone. Anyone reading this who thinks you can treat your own home for can't. Pay the professional, you are just postponing the day of reckoning. I will try and post updates on my progress. I may even be able to find a good picture of the garage header to post.

Pine State Biscuits

The picture to the left is from the Pine State website. These are the best biscuits ever. If you are in Portland (Oregon) be sure to either stop at their Farmer's Market location downtown or go to their hole-in-the-wall location. My wife claims their mushroom biscuits and gravy are amazing. I had a sausage/egg biscuit which was out of this world. Travel really is fun.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Rail bridge that has been turned into a bike path bridge in rural Nebraska. We walked about a half mile and then got on the bridge. It was amazing, the prairie in all its glory and a bridge allowing the easy transport of goods across a river valley. We need that transport in our life, a way to cross those valleys that inevitably enter our life. Not that I always want things to come easy but having Christ provide a bridge to make the difficult times more manageable is sure nice. He is faithful, always present, always desiring relationship, no matter where we have been, what we have done, Christ can be that bridge to help us over the rough spots that life brings.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Trip

My wife and I have returned from our travels to Portland to see our son and daughter-in-law. Three weeks, one week driving out, ten days in Portland and the trip home. The picture on the left was a little 1950s camper we ran into at a gas station. A whole group of these little mini vehicles had driven from Key West on their journey to Alaska. What man can create! The picture on the right was taken on the Oregon coast. We spent a day traveling a small section from Fort Clatsop to Tillamook. Wonderful day, beautiful views. It was also wonderful to spend time with our children. It is always good to watch children grow up and turn out to be great human beings. We were able to attend their church, which did take me back to a Rich Mullins concert, the pastor wore no shoes or socks, taught the Word and asked thoughtful questions. A blessed time in the Lord.