Thursday, April 1, 2010


I'm not one who enjoys having a picture taken let alone displayed but this image so captures who I am and what I enjoy that I included it. There is truly nothing like sitting in the mountains and contemplating a creator God who made all this. No random accident could have placed things in such order and something from nothing just doesn't hold water with those who study physics or math. As we continue this Holy Week walk may your thoughts return to the One who made all this and so deeply desires relationship with us that He gave His life that we might, through Him, have eternal life. I encourage all to read scripture in light of God reaching out to us to establish a relationship where all things are made new. May the blessings of this Easter season not be lost because your focus is on a rabbit, new clothes, or finding the right spiral glazed ham for the dinner. May your focus be on the One who makes all things new. God bless!

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