Monday, August 2, 2010


We are caught up in a fast changing world. When I look at this image of our sons and they are now 28 and 30 I think where did the time go. We didn't own a computer (1984), cell, and hadn't even thought of all the other technology that we now take for granted. We camped in a tent, told stories, read books, and saw most of the U.S. before our sons moved out for good. We have memories that will last a life-time. As I tweet, blog, and e-mail I wonder if anyone will remember five minutes from now let alone 26 years later. Memories are made through an investment of time and energy. Camping memories require a lot of effort and most of them are only fun years later when you look back. I think of families who are taking children as young as ours in the picture on vacations to Disney World, cruises to Mexico and other exotic places.......error. The everyday struggles of a camping trip, cold, wet, maybe bugs, maybe snow, maybe......pit pots, are really needed in a world where we think constant communication and contact is needed. Walden is where 90% of us need to go, 10% are probably there or just returning. Take time to enjoy your journey.

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