Monday, October 25, 2010

What is Important?

Our church had its "consecration Sunday" last weekend. This is the Sunday when members make a pledge for giving during the coming year. We had Rev. Roger Russell from Wesley United Methodist Church in Canton, IL as our guest minister and he was excellent. His sermon focused on Matthew 22: 15-22 where the Pharisees are trying to trap Jesus in a discussion regarding taxes and money. Jesus responds, something to the effect that we should give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's.
Just like the Pharisee's I want all the benefits of living in America (police, firemen, paved roads, electric lights, indoor plumbing, etc.) but I don't want to pay taxes for them. But that isn't even what made me nervous, it was when Rev. Russell said the verses weren't about money but with God's ownership of me. I live an orderly life because I was created by an orderly God, I show love because my God is love, and I seek eternal life because I was created by an eternal God. God's rule in my life should be foremost because he owns everything about us. My focus must become less on things of this earth and more on things of importance to the One who created me.

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