Thursday, July 12, 2012


I need my "Thoreau" time. No contact by any technology at all. We just got four days of that special time. Books, The Word, my U.S. History materials, a lake, cool days and nights. As you can see our campsite was right beside a small part of Clear Lake. It appears serene and quiet but from 8:00 a.m. until 8 p.m. it is a constant buzz of boat motors towing all sorts of people on all sorts of objects. Still, it was fun to get away and watch families enjoying their lives. I do wonder if/where their "Thoreau" time occurs. Everyone needs time away from the fast pace of life. We don't need to replace a fast paced life with a fast paced break. The boaters, it was fast paced, attempting to squeeze every ounce of time on the lake. No time to sit and talk, relax, walk, watch, be still, be John Wayne said in The Cowboys, "We're burning daylight." What a motto for most of the lives in the 21st century.

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