Friday, July 6, 2012

Vicki and I have returned from our fifth trip to Altamira, Para, Brasil. This trip was very different from our previous work-centered travels. We focused on introducing our fellow traveler to the various mission projects of the Xingu Mission. We also spent our first week of the trip on the Xingu River. Four church services in five days with time spent daily in devotions, reflection, swimming, fishing and generally enjoying creation.
We traveled the river with a team from Ohio, Angie and the entire Simon family. Angie is a dear friend from an earlier trip who has actually been in Brasil the past six months teaching English at CDR and helping teach the Simon children. While we were there Angie was offered and accepted a job at Cedarville U. as a R.D. starting August 1. She will need prayer relocating in such a short time.
My image is a typical Xingu River sunset. It is simply hard to put into words the peace and calm of river travel. When visiting villages I am impressed with the joy expressed by the people when daily life is so difficult when compared with my relatively easy life. I will continue to post some images and reflections in the days ahead and try harder to keep the blog more current.

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