Thursday, July 11, 2013

"Big Question....Small Question"

Credit goes to the "Strategies for Awakening Your Motivation" portion of Drive. I'm still encouraging all who have not read the book to do so. Purpose provides motivation and without purpose we tend to wander about aimlessly seeking what we think we want, need, desire, etc. A whole section of narrowing activities awaits you and I would simply like to bring one to your attention.

According to Clare Booth Luce, "A great man is a sentence." "What's your sentence?"

Now, begin to ask all those small questions about yourself, your day, and whether you were more effective than the previous day. How many items of your "to do" list were completed? Did your "to do" list only contain work related items? Some of us need to include personal, family, and spiritual items on our list. These may need to be there as long as it takes for these to be part of our daily life.

"What's your sentence?"

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