Saturday, July 6, 2013

Culture, Physics, Biology, Sociology, Psychology

I have been following this trip since November. I won't even begin to list all the topics of study that could be done based on one blog post. Dave has arrived in Fairbanks, AK after beginning this journey in New York. Please check out his posts and think about miles on the road with just you and whatever nature throws at you. There might be a moose, might be rain for days on end, might be unending rollers that mentally beat you down, might be bike issues (flats, derailleurs, spokes, leaky tent, bad food, etc.), or it might be angry motorists. How mentally tough do you think you are? For your after reading task, create two questions for each of the topics above that you would really like to know and then seek to find answers. Oh, let me know what you find on your research journey.

Remember to add, solo or group bike journey, to your list of things to do before your time on earth is done.

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