Saturday, September 30, 2017

Mission Trip 1: Altamira, Brasil

From Left: Vicki and Rich, Jon Geyer, Clint Gossmeyer, Jeremy Gibbs, Rob King (back), Joshua Stuber, Greg Bolliger (with little sister who didn't go with us), Jed Bolliger, Brian Vonderhyde (back), Ben Koch, Nick Beachy

This trip was our first of five trips to visit Bud and Suzanne Simon, missionaries on the Xingu River in Altamira. Josh Pflederer was our youth group leader and had planned on leading this group of young men but his wife, Brinley, was due to have a baby and wanted Josh to be home. We agreed to go and our lives were never the same. Clint Gossmeyer actually returned with us for a month long trip the following year. Some of this group we haven't seen in years, most are now married with children and continuing to support disciple-making all around the globe.

Our friendship with Bud and Suzanne deepened over the years and they are currently living in Wilmore, KY while pursuing culminating and graduate degrees at Asbury Seminary.

Thank-you to this group who tolerated Vicki and I in our inexperience on this trip.

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