Wednesday, September 6, 2017

School Memories: Helen (Adcox) Schurter

back of picture: Cecilia Doty, 3 years old; baby 4 months so not sure if the baby is a sibling or a cousin

Last of the posts from Helen's school memories:

"Dear Helen, When you get married and live upstairs. Don't come down and borrow my chairs.  Your Friend,  Caroline Koch"

12/7/37  "Dear Helen, Love many, trust few. But always paddle your own canoe.  Your Friend, Bernice Schaefer"

December 7, 1937 "Dear Helen,   Love your father. Love your mother. Love your sister. Love your brother. Love your books. Love your toys. But never, never love the boys.  Your Friend, Imogene Yentes"

November 27, 1937  "2 y's u r, 2 y's u b, I c u r, 2 y's 4 me   Herb"

Jan 9, 1938  "Dear Helen, Remember me and bear in mind, a truer friend you'll never find. Your Friend, Verla I. Miller"

"Dear Helen, If I was a bunny and had a tail of fluff, I'd jump up on your dresser and be your powder puff.  Your classmate, Virginia Hinman"

"Dear Helen, I had a little pig, I fed him in a trough, he got so fat his tail popped off.  Your classmate, Shirley Jane Cox   P.S. Remember Math class at T.C.H.S."

Dec. 8, 1937  "Dear Helen, Way back here out of sight I will sign my name just for spite.  Eileen Heiminger" (sp is unclear on last name)

Dec. 13, 1937 "Dear Helen, Poor ink, poor pen, can't think...Amen.  Your Pal  Evelyn McMurry"

Dec. 9, 1937 "Dear Helen; I went into the garden, to pick a peck of peas, I nearly died of laughing, to hear the chickens sneeze.  Your Pal, Beulah  Kaiser" (another one where the last name was difficult to read)

Dec. 9, 1937 "Dear Helen: May all your days be days of peace and slide along as slick as grease.  Your friend, Elda Getz"

Dec. 9, 1937 "Dear Helen, It's hard to lose your love when your heart is full of hope. But it's harder to lose the towel, when your eyes are full of soap.  Your schoolmate, Ellora Heiminger (first and last names hard to read)

12/3/37 "Dear Helen, Way back here out of sight, Write my name just for spite.  Your classmate, Mae Storrer"

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